
11 Foods To Help Fight Knee and Joint Pains

Do you have chronic pain in your joints or knees? Do you feel your joints are tight every time you wake up and don’t understand why this happens?

A number of inflammatory diseases can cause this, such as arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, and physical trauma. This condition is more common in the elderly, but young people can also get it.

Medicine can relieve knee and joint pain, but it is not a good idea to underestimate what a good quality diet can do for joints.

In this article, we will look at 11 different foods that can help you fight knee and joint pain.

1 Fish

Especially those that are harvested sustainably are great alternatives for improving joint health. They contain bisterol and calcium, which are important for strong bones.

It is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega 3 that help reduce inflammation. Omega 3s are less common in the diet and need to be supplemented. You can also get omega 3 from dairy products and animal oils.

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