We (Team of ListSilo) highly concerned about the privacy of users of this site. Explanation of the way we use informations provided by you, data security and content privacy provided right within the homepage of this site, for easiness of access. The privacy policy of this site can be changed at any time without having any notifications.

How We Use Your Information

For commenting and to join within discussion you have to registered within desired pages of this site. At that time we will request for following personal informations from you.
• Name.
• Email Address.
• Website URL.
We use these personal informations only for management of commenting and discussion. We never share any of informations about you with third parties.

Content Privacy

The contents available within this site must not use for any kind of commercial or personal use. You can get informations provided within this site without having any registration.

Third Party Privacy Policy

The informations provided within site must not be reproduced. The users of this site can share the contents to social networking sites, can ask doubts, share comments and opinions. We always welcomes your valuable feedbacks and comments that meet usefulness, a right contribution from your side to contents of this site.

If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy of listsilo.com then you may contact us at : – admin [at] listsilo [dot] com