
Top 10 Deep Sea Mysteries That Still Remain Unsolved

2 Colossal Squid

Colossal squid, aka Antarctic cranch squid, are one of the largest, most elusive, and mysterious of the cephalopods. These massive squid are reported to measure up to 14 metres in total length with mantle lengths of about 2-4 metres (which would make adult colossal squid quite a bit larger than giant squid, Architeuthis dux) and they can weigh an estimated 150 kg.

These amazing creatures were first identified in 1925 when 2 colossal squid arms were recovered from a sperm whale’s stomach. Since then, few specimens have been recovered and there is still very little known about this species. Colossal squids have eyes that measure about 25 cm in diameter which are thought to be the largest eyes in the entire animal kingdom. They also have the largest beaks of any squid, which makes them a fearsome predator along with the 25 rotating hooks found in two rows on the ends of their tentacles.

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